Soulryde’s Singular Sensation at Pinebrook
Author: Chris
Channing-Mackinac Puppies due April 6
Guinness swimming
The Maks-Mackinac puppies are here!
⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️ VERY VERY happy to announce the arrival of 8 beautiful puppies! Maks and Mackinac did an excellent job. All of the puppies are doing well and Mackinac is an excellent mom!⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️
We have 4 boys (One double patch) and 4 girls!
The soccer puppies are all very healthy! They ranged from almost 12 ounces to 15.7 ounces with the majority being over 13 ounces!
In birth order they are:
Arsenal (Red) Male
Chelsea (Pink) Female
Leicester (Dark Blue) Male
Gunner (Black) Male
Hope (Multi Pink) Female
Jamie (Dark Purple) Female
Leno (Red/White/Blue) Patched Male
Mia (Aqua) Female
⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️ Congratulations to Barb Allison on another beautiful litter from Maks and to Heather Applegate Knox and Eric Knox on Mackinac’s beautiful pups! ⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️
Here’s Maks
Loved and owned by my dear friend Barb Allison.